Sunday, September 28, 2008

five people you meet in heaven entry no.2

This is my second entry on the book, "The Five People You Meet In Heaven." I am a little more than halfway through the book. This past week, I read the part where the main character, eddie, he realizes that he has his paralyzed leg because his military captain shot him in the leg in order to make him run away from dying in a dangerous situation. Also, he realized his military captain was killed from a hidden bomb from escaping the prison camp they were captured in. The transition after eddie's captain telling the story to eddie is amazing. After eddie forgives the captain from paralyzing his leg, the dark forest that they were surrounded in turns into a beautiful place, and the captain becomes cleaner and better looking. Then, eddie procedes to his next person. He then meets Ruby, the original owner of the Ruby Pier. It turns out that there was a sad love story behind making the amusement park. Also, eddie learns more about his father, and why his father was so strict to him.

This book had made me reflect upon the things I must do in life so that I won't feel regretful, and to be thankful of the life that I'm living in. Also, it made me think about viewing things in a different perspective. Moreover, the book had made me understand that there are always reasons for things that happen. For example, the reason why eddie got his leg paralyzed was because his captain was trying to save him from facing death. Also, there was a reason why his father was suffering from a major depression and had always had a bad facial expression. I learned that no matter how much we do not understand the other's situation, we should learn to forgive one another because you never know what they are going through in life.

When I lost my uncle, I used to wonder whether he will end up in heaven or not. I even questioned whether the existence of God was true after his death. I was afraid that he wasn't going to up in a happy place in heaven, and that his soul was going to be gone forever. It was sad to think that because all of our family are living here on earth, for he died at such a young age. I had a little idea in my head that maybe heaven was just made up, to hide our fears about death. This book made me feel more comfortable of what is out there after death. Hopefully, even though heaven will not be like this book, I really hope that heaven does exist for those that believe in the Lord. I hope our souls are everlasting.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

the five people you meet in heaven_

Over the past week, I have been reading a book called, "The Five People You Meet In Heaven" by Mitch Albom. I am halfway through this book. I wanted to read this book after reading Albom's inspiring book called "Tuesdays with Morrie." Albom's stories are always filled with morals and words of wisdoms that we can obtain in our lives. Before reading, the title of the book made me curious. The question popped in my head: What five people do we meet in heaven? Also, I have always pictured an image in my head what heaven is supposed to be like, as I do believe there is a judgement day after death.

This book is about an old man who owns an amusement park. He has worked in the amusement park since he was a child, because his dad had owned the amusement park before it was passed onto him. He tries to save a girl from a ride accident after sacrificing his life to her. He ends up in heaven after he loses his life. It turns out it was his amusement park. He meets five people that have been part of his life. They have been waiting to tell him a story about their life, and to give him words of wisdom. He gains more perspective about life and its meaning.

I recommend this book to anyone who wants words of wisdom about life. You will find deep morals. This book is not so serious, and the author focuses on the past and the present. If you are curious about the image of heaven, then read this book!