Monday, October 6, 2008

Five People You Meet In Heaven

Yes! I'm done with the book! I knew that I would be enjoying this book even before reading this book. Mitch Alboom is such a wonderful writer. His books' themes are always very meaningful to our lives, and its universally agreed and touched upon many people. The book's theme is that everything happens for a reason, even the bad things that may happen. You never know what each event has lead to in your life. I think another theme in this book is that life is beautiful. Alboom's books always tell us beautiful things about life.

It was very touching when Eddie, the main character met his wife in heaven, who he hadn't seen for a long time. He sincerely loved her. Just like Eddie, I would be overwhelmingly happy to see a lover that I haven't seen for a quite a long time. I would cry so hard just like how Eddie was when he saw her. Just like Eddie, I would wonder whether it would be a dream. I loved how the author expressed Eddie's emotions. I can totally feel how Eddie is feeling inside. It was also touching when he met his strict father whom he had been angry for his whole life. There was a reason why his father was strict to him. He realized that rather than not ever facing his father, he should go up to him and forgive his father. I think the book is trying to say that every action and emotion from each human being doesn't happen without any reason. Eddie realizes the story behind his father.

All in all, I love this book. Everyone should read this book at least once in their lifetime. I would also recommend the book, "Tuesdays With Morrie" because it's another life-related book. Through reading Alboom's books, I learned so much about life, and gained some words of wisdom. No matter how much we are unsatisfied with out lives, if we look at our lives as a whole picture, we

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